Saturday, April 16, 2011

Crazy little thing called LOVe

I want to talk about something new :")

by Persis Flores on Saturday, April 16, 2011 at 10:28am
i wanna talk about something new...


Love is the most abused word in the world according to my English professor - whom i suppose got the trivia through the fastest source of getting rumors - the Internet. So, it's like i was going to abuse it even more, just by talking about it here. HAHA. Anyway, what could be new about it? What d'ye think? (see my word "d'ye"? My prof also told us that means "do you" and is pronounced like "ju") ANYWAAAAYS.

Love isn't new. But, we can make it new just by exploring that word...that word can take you places; can make you dream; can make you restful...and maybe, even fall asleep...with sweet dreams, eh? But scratching the surface doesn't make it the real love. It is being IN it...

I was reminded that "My LOVE" was the most abused person in the world! Oh, how i ran back to Him because of His eternal love for me...for us! My Love, Jesus, died for us...HE died for us...His great love scattered just as His blood on the cross.....and then, He died...yet, as He promised, Jesus rose from the dead! and yes, He's alive and we can enjoy His presence now! What an awesome idea Lord! *high-five for that! :))))

By the way, almost everyday i am seeing people going in and out of love; diving in and out of it; and sometimes, just swims, flows, and muddles in it as they live for their lifetime motto: Just go with the flow.

I have questions:

WHAT flows? WHERE did the FLOW came from? can we stop this FLOW? If this can be stopped, HOW? If this can't be stopped, WHY?

I'm not about to talk based on my experience, since, I have nothing to talk about at all. Talk about AWESOME! Well, seriously...

So, yes again, who am I to talk about human love when i just don't know about it........that much?? I know, I know the love that runs naturally in our blood - for God, for our family, for our dogs, for our hairstyle, coffee and books...but, let's talk about this certain love that people had been looking for ages... *goosebumps*

I am always heart-broken whenever i see pregnant teenagers, fighting couples, shallow mindsets, three-day relationships as if they'd just been attached with each other during their vacation...and after the "good times" they split apart, let alone the thing they call as "one-night stand"...the worse proof of "once love" scenario that I've EVER seen so far, were KIDS (majority were minor in age) distributing empty envelopes inside our public vehicles - jeepneys, while expecting us, the passengers, to put something IN it...the parents' belief that "the children is our treasure" makes a nonsense a sense after all......SAD. :'(  These kids, i mean, where are their parents? If they produced these kids out of love, why are they treating them almost like punishing them?

I've been thinking a lot these past few days about this topic. And writing about love just makes me look up at the sky more and look blankly to people as i brainstorm with myself...i am wishing for the rain to pour for a dramatic effect... <3

I have concluded as my first-hand evidence that love has an equation before and during the commitment. Yet, love has no equation at all...we can say it just happens, yet, it isn't a happening. Commitment is a decision; a conclusion made by two people trying to SOLVE their feelings for each other, and it is never a happening but, it is an event that the two subjects want to happen. Love is not struggling. If you like the person, just show it, if not tell it. What works for you to show love isn't a problem. What makes it a problem is when you don't become yourself because you've been so focused on "What shall i wear so he/she will like me? What shall i say? How will i say it?" and so on, and so forth...

The equation of love is not about:
-the right dress/outfit at the right time and place
-the right words at the right time and place
-the right family, religion, affiliations
-the right work
-the right salary

Well, as you can see as much as i presume, a person's outside appearance and "extra curricula" isn't the variable X in the love equation. If you think you should read more of this, these are the most important:

-love (scratch the goosebumps here. this love (i think) is what you feel for the person despite of his outside imperfections. You see, we have the tendency of loving the person first, if he/she has the right outside appearance (just like what i mentioned above)

-loyalty (this person is loyal to you. as simple as that. Yes he/she can break 2 out of the 5 promises he/she said, but, make sure it's NOT 4 out of 5! WTH.

-honesty (hate it when he/she lies like 4 minutes within your five minutes! Tip: the person is not lying if he/she can look straight in your eyes, is not perspiring and doesn't look around and sounds like a dog's chasing him/her!)

Yet, with all these presumptions i therefore conclude that the love equation becomes unnecessary, when the person spills the milk. The milk is something you've been carrying from the past, but this one doesn't get spoiled...It just smells spoiled. This milk, i must say, might be your secrets; hurts; fears; addiction; sickness...The worse thing that could happen as your milk got spilled was the "non-acceptance" of the other person (the one you love) on that is up to you when you will spill your long as you will be reminded that the reaction of your gal/guy will either lengthen or shorten and even cease your relationship...but i'm not saying you SHALL never spill the milk. We always have spilled milks in our lives. It's just the right timing. It's not like the "love at first sight" thing that acts on the "right time..."

Love is true when, despite your spilled milk, your loved one cleans it and embraces you after...

i think this is hanging. haha.
anyways, what do you think?
comments please, dears :) <3

Credits to: Persis Micah Flores

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